
Threadless Helps Artists Create Online Stores

Threadless, a popular design community, just got an upgrade. Now its creative users have the option to create custom online stores within a new platform. This new offering from Threadless is called “Artist Shops.” It is free to artists on Threadless. What is the goal? To bring eCommerce tools to artists who may not have a lot of experience with marketing or business. Now it will be easier, in theory, for those creative professionals to get sales.

Within the Artist Shops, users have control over many aspects, including how their online store looks and what prices they set for their unique items. In terms of the logistics and other backend configuration though, that is being run by Threadless.

To create an online store, users simply create a Threadless subdomain or can link via a custom subdomain. There are many themes from which to choose, which users can customize for color and specific look. As well, if users already have design capabilities, they can bring their own design to the storefront.
Once an Artist Shop is created, its user can go to the dashboard to see sales made, both in terms of numbers sold and revenue earned. There are already 11 shops created, and they are taking orders.

The public launch has not yet occurred for the Threadless Artist Shops; currently only invited artists are able to create the storefronts. While designers can register there, they may not yet get the exclusive invites. The public launch of Artist Shops will occur this fall.

It will provide an opportunity for artists to create their own brand, have control over selling the products they create and be unique in what they craft for sale. So far, many artists with live shops are selling their designs on apparel such as t-shirts. For users who reserve spots prior to the launch, the Artist Shops website explains there is the opportunity to double their first $1,000 in earnings.

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