
The 3 Tech Stocks with Best Performance: DealerTrack Technologies (NASDAQ:TRAK), Voltari Corp (NASDAQ:VLTC), Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA)

The price change of a stock is a measurement of how the cost of an asset has changed over a certain time period or how its security has changed over a specific time. The measurement, for example, could be from one trading day’s close to the present day close. Often the period chosen is the past 12 months or as a year-to-date figure, and it is usually expressed as a change in percentage. Here are price changes for three stocks with recent best performance: DealerTrack Technologies (NASDAQ:TRAK), Voltari Corp (NASDAQ:VLTC), and Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA).

DealerTrack Technologies (NASDAQ:TRAK) has seen a price change above normal in terms of its volume; it has had 1.19 million shares traded, with an average daily volume at 2.64 million shares. The year-to-date return on said stock is at 40.28%. Over the past 12 months, the stock has risen 61.58%. Its new low came on June 16 of this year; it was $63.19. The weekly upbeat performance, as of time of last close, was at 0.06%.

For Voltari Corp (NASDAQ:VLTC), it is currently at a discount as compared to its high over the last 12 months ($21.75); that high is reported to have been on April 22, 2015. That was significantly better than it was at its lowest at $0.63 (the 52-week low), which was on January 2 of this year. At time of last close, this particular stock was up 977.27%, with its beta ratio at a 1.59 value. The week’s upbeat performance, which again was calculated as of last close, was at 23.22%; this number was maintained in one month at 6.28%.

The Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA) stock is seeing a lot of trading activity. It moved at a very high volume of 5.25 million, up a lot from its daily volume; the daily volume was 3.21 million shares. As of last close, the stock had risen 55.08% and its beta ratio value was 0.67. A 200-day moving average recorded at $59.33, with a 50-day moving average at $67.44. Weekly downbeat performance, through last close, was 0.58%; it maintained at 9.46% in a period of one month.

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