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Cisco’s Startup Partners Announce Products for Cisco Live

As Cisco Live is such a popular show, its third-party vendors are announcing their new products. As those third-party vendors depend on Cisco for their own businesses, they want to make sure the Cisco Live show continues to be successful. That is why they unveil products at the launch event and before it starts.

Two of the Cisco partners doing just that are the startups Glue Networks and Avid Networks. Glue Networks specializes in developing SDN software. As for Avid Networks, it creates app delivery controller software.

The SDN update from Glue is its Gluware 2.0, which is set to release this summer. The newest version will automate roll outs of features and policies in the future. The software is for WANs; it offers a DevOps type of environment for deploying and configuring WAN routers. The 2.0 upgrade will be demonstrated at the Cisco Live show.

The two new features of Gluware 2.0 are Gluware Lab and Gluware Control. For Gluware Control, it is meant to monitor device configurations as per best practices where it’s in use, as set by network engineers with custom configurations. Those configurations are defined by Gluware Lab. The Lab provides a place to test out those policy settings and confirm them within a controlled laboratory atmosphere.

For the startup Avi Networks, its newest update is the 15.1 release, which integrates its CADP cloud app delivery controller with Cisco’s ACI SDN fabric. ACI stands for Application Centric Infrastructure. If you are looking for 15.1, it is now available.
The update means that now CADP can operate within APIC to provide features such as load balancing and security. As well, CADP analytics functions, such as its visibility, will benefit ACI’s telemetry. The next Cisco Live show is scheduled to be in Las Vegas, Nevada, on July 10-14, 2016.

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