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Start Up

NFL Funder for Frozen-Food Startup Luvo

The newest funder for the startup Luvo is the NFL star Russell Wilson. Luvo focuses on the area of frozen food. Interestingly, Wilson is the second major athlete to back the startup. The frozen-food company Luvo offers entrees in a range of sizes. The foods include burritos and pizzas. They are being sold by big retail outlets, including Kroger. The leader is Christine Day, who was previously the CEO of Lululemon.

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Start Up

Startup LaunchDarkly Lets Companies Soft Launch Features & Gets $2.6M

LaunchDarkly is not so much in the dark anymore, following its funding of $2.6 million. The startup LaunchDarkly is designed to help companies test new features in a soft launch format. They roll out features to a small user group to help the bigger company learn about the user experience; then the big firm can decide how to modify the product to better it before the more public launch.

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Start Up

Joyus Startup Gets $24 Million in Funding

Joyus, a startup that is like an online shopping network, has received $24 million in funding, as per WSJ this week. If you have not yet heard of Joyus, it is a startup shooting short shopping videos and posting them online. Essentially, it’s the equivalent of a web-based Home Shopping Network. Each video features at least one product. Alongside the videos are advertisements so that video viewers can get the products they see on the screen at the same time.

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Start Up

Brand eLearning Website

Branding e-learning website has just gotten a little easier, thanks to a tool called Learnyst. It is a way for teachers to build their site and sell courses, as well. As per Learnyst’s tagline, building a school online takes only five minutes. It’s a startup idea for the educators who want to explore the online education system.

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Start Up

Why Location is Essential for Valuation of a Startup

Location, just as it is important to many homeowners, it is important to the startup community.
Yes, a startup based in a small, unknown town probably won’t get as much of a pre-money valuation as a similar startup that is based in Silicon Valley. Obviously, the Silicon Valley location garners a much higher price tag of the two. Just as house prices are higher in New York City than in Scranton, it’s a similar story for the valuation of startups.

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Start Up

Technology Chief of Mozilla Leaves to Launch Startup

The future of Firefox operating system (OS) is a bit more uncertain now after its creator Mozilla lost its technology chief. Mozilla is perhaps best known for its Firefox OS and browser. The man who oversaw both tech products has now left Mozilla, however, to pursue a startup venture. That man is Andreas Gal, who was Chief Technology Officer at Mozilla for almost seven years.

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